"Geoengineering", 2054, Oil on canvas.
Exxon's lobbying campaign managed to convince the world governments to proceed with geoengineering the atmosphere, by loading cargo planes with sulfuric acid to reduce the numbers of droughts and heatwaves. However it became clear a few years later that the research on the side-effects of the practice had been silenced. It all started with the sky taking this off-white color, reducing the sun to a pale halo and dropping solar panel efficiency by a quarter.
The most overlooked side-effect however was psychological; Everyone terribly missed the blue skies and sunsets, the elders tearing up while explaining to their grandchildren what a summer day looked like, and what those strange solar contraptions were for.
Painting #3 in the post-collapse series. Thanks for all your support!
I want to make a website inviting other artists to submit paintings that fit within these themes of imagining a future that represents the policy failures of today.